Today is an “A” DaY
during the week of March 2nd through March 6th the
library will be closed all day for testing. This also includes lunch and
I.C. Please return or renew your books
before or after school. You will not be allowed in the library during
testing. Thank you! Mrs. McRoberts
Basketball Banquet is Wednesday, March 4th at 6:00 pm in the
cafeteria. Varsity and JV bring a dessert, Freshmen bring drinks.
If you have any questions see Coach Schmidt in room 231.
Literary Club is meeting on Friday of this week in Ms. Servilican’s room,
#214. Members, please bring your lunch and be on time.
Notes is seeking writers to submit to the literary magazine. If you have a
piece and it fits into the category of poetry, prose or short story, dramatic
literature, nonfiction or like to draw or design things, submit your
work. Pick up a submission form from Ms. Servilican in room 214 or from
your English classroom. As it said in Lemony Snicket, “If we wait until
we’re ready, we’ll be waiting the rest of our lives.” Submit your work
Seniors: Don’t
forget - The deadline is February 27 for baby pictures
for the senior video. The correct email
for the baby picture submission is: drhsbabypic@damonteranchhs.com
digital versions of pictures will be accepted. Parents can make a picture
digital at Walmart for about $5.00
A Driver Education class will be offered at Damonte Ranch during spring break, April 6-9. This 30-hour class fulfills the classroom requirement for a driver's license in Nevada if you are under 18. The cost is $94. For more information, pick up a flier at your school's counselors office or call 829-9010 for more information and to register.
A Driver Education class will be offered at Damonte Ranch during spring break, April 6-9. This 30-hour class fulfills the classroom requirement for a driver's license in Nevada if you are under 18. The cost is $94. For more information, pick up a flier at your school's counselors office or call 829-9010 for more information and to register.
Run Friday 2/27-
Do you want some yummy pancakes? Do you want to
support the freshman class? Every Monday before school the Freshman Class will
be selling pancakes for $2 a plate! Come and enjoy!
Damonte students, as we roll into spring
I’d like to give you the latest testing update:
High school proficiency exams are the
first week of March. The 2nd-5th. Testing
starts at 8am. Math, Reading, Science and Writing tests are being given
to 11th and 12th grade students who have not already
passed. Look outside the counselors’ office for your name and testing
room number.
On Thursday March 5th of the
same week, there is a 3 hour delay. All 10th graders and any
juniors and seniors who have not already passed will be taking the science
proficiency on Thursday at 8am.
Lastly, any remaining balance due for AP
testing fees are due ASAP! See the bookkeeper to pay those AP fees
STUDENTS- Please remind your parent to complete online registration for their
students, as soon as possible. The can
go to their Infinite Campus Parent Portal and click on the message in the
inbox. Thank you.
Please remember that students should
bring a note to the
attendance office, from their parents, if they need to leave school early for an
appointment. Parents may also sign out
their students in the office. Thank you
from the attendance office.
Open for all Damonte Ranch
Students- GlobalNevada and the Reno Sunrise
Rotary Club is sponsoring a Global Gala Essay Contest. Award is $500.00
Deadline is February 27th. Stop by the Career Center for additional